A la llegada habíamos visto las camisetas y dijimos que a la vuelta la compraríamos para la foto. De regreso nos costó encontrar la tienda pero Ana insistió y al final la encontramos de camino a la puerta de embarque. Nos íbamos a hacer la foto mientras esperábamos por las maletas pero, por lo visto, está prohibido hacer semejante cosa en esa sala... Dangerousssss!
Happy faces, happy adventure!! Glad that everything turned out great!
On arrival we had seen the t-shirts and we said that on return we would buy it for the photo. On return we struggled to find the shop but Ana insisted and in the end we found it on the way to the boarding gate. We went to do the photo whilst we waited for our suitcases but, apparently, it is prohibited to do such a thing in this room... Dangerous!!
Happy faces, happy adventure!! Glad that everything turned out great!