Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fotito del viaje

A la llegada habíamos visto las camisetas y dijimos que a la vuelta la compraríamos para la foto. De regreso nos costó encontrar la tienda pero Ana insistió y al final la encontramos de camino a la puerta de embarque. Nos íbamos a hacer la foto mientras esperábamos por las maletas pero, por lo visto, está prohibido hacer semejante cosa en esa sala... Dangerousssss!

Happy faces, happy adventure!! Glad that everything turned out great!

On arrival we had seen the t-shirts and we said that on return we would buy it for the photo. On return we struggled to find the shop but Ana insisted and in the end we found it on the way to the boarding gate. We went to do the photo whilst we waited for our suitcases but, apparently, it is prohibited to do such a thing in this room... Dangerous!!

Happy faces, happy adventure!! Glad that everything turned out great!

... but we also had a look around

WHAT A NICE PICTURE!! aquí estamos delante del Ayuntamiento, lugar donde se entregan los premios Nobel, todos excepto el de la Paz, que se entrega en Oslo. Hacía frío, aunque creo que para entonces ya nos habíamos acostumbrado.

What a nice picture!! Here we are in front of the town hall, the place where they hand over the Nobel Prizes, all except the Nobel Peace Prize, which is handed over in Oslo. It was cold, although I think by then we had already got used to it.

Trabajo sí hubo...

El miércoles 2 ya nos pusieron las pilas al llegar a la escuela en Estocolmo. Aquí vemos como los suecos ya están haciendo su presentación mientras nosotros estamos dándole los últimos retoques a la nuestra.

On Wednesday 2nd, we finally got moving to the school in Stockholm. Here we watched how the Swedish were doing their presentation whilst we were putting the final touches to ours.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Uneventful trip. Viaje tranquilo y sin sobresaltos. Hoy hemos tenido las  presentaciones de nuestro proyecto y todo ha salido bien. Hemos tenido suerte con el tiempo. Nos ha cogido una ola de calor y estamos entre los 0 y los 3 grados, pero dicen que se acaba, así que tocará abrigarse...

Uneventful trip. A quiet trip without surprises. Today we have had the presentation of our project and all has gone well. We have been lucky with the weather. We have been caught in a heat wave and are between 0 and 3 degrees, but they said that it was over, therefore wrapped up warm.