Of course! We certainly visited the Eiffel Tower! We all went together and we all wanted to go up, but the queues were considered, therefore the bravest walked up because there were less people. Roberto, our PE teacher did the same and went up with us. Me and Cristina supervised them ;-) ! I had already walked up 9 years ago... how time flies! As for the tower, that is still just as spectacular! Also, we went to the Museum D'Orssay, where there are a lot of impressionists and important work. Furthermore, the museum is well worth it. It used to be an old train station and now it has been made into a beautiful museum. Photos!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
And, of course, The EiffelTower
Of course! We certainly visited the Eiffel Tower! We all went together and we all wanted to go up, but the queues were considered, therefore the bravest walked up because there were less people. Roberto, our PE teacher did the same and went up with us. Me and Cristina supervised them ;-) ! I had already walked up 9 years ago... how time flies! As for the tower, that is still just as spectacular! Also, we went to the Museum D'Orssay, where there are a lot of impressionists and important work. Furthermore, the museum is well worth it. It used to be an old train station and now it has been made into a beautiful museum. Photos!!!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
El 11 de Noviembre es ante todo la fecha de aniversario del armisticio que marca el final de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el 11 de noviembre de 1918.
Además de ser día nacional y festivo en Francia, este día se convirtió para los países de Europa y del Commonwealth en el « Día del Recuerdo », en homenaje a los soldados caídos en todos los conflictos. Es el día de la conmemoración y de la celebración de todos los ex combatientes.
Como estábamos allí, nos invitaron a celebrarlo con ellos. Algunos alumnos pudieron ir hasta el Arco del Triunfo, para participar en la celebración a nivel nacional; otros también participaron en las ofrendas a nivel de distrito. Os ponemos alguna fotito para que os hagáis una idea.
11th November
11th November is, before all, the anniversary date of armistice which marks the end of the First World War, 11th November 1918.
As well as being a national holiday in France, for all the European and Commonwealth countries, this day became Remembrance Day in tribute to the fallen soldiers in all of the conflicts. It is a day of commemoration and celebration of all the ex combatants.
How we were there? They invited us to celebrate with them. Some students were able to go up to the Arc de Triumph to participate in the celebration at national level; others also participated in the tribute at district level. We have put a photo on for you to give you the idea.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Los dos días que hemos pasado en el colegio los hemos aprovechado para practicar deportes en grupos muuuyyy europeos y los estudiantes se lo han pasado genial. También nos hemos intercambiado juegos que son tradicionales en nuestros países respectivos y llegamos a la conclusión que algunos se parecían mucho. No importa el país, nos unen muchas cosas pequeñas que nos facilitan la convivencia. Ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora.
Over the two days which we have spent in the school, we have taken advantage of playing sports in veryyy European groups and the students have had a nice time. Also, we have exchanged games which are traditional in our respective countries and we came to the conclusion that some were very similar. The country is not important, we united many small things which made living together easier. It has been a very enriching experience.
- Tríptico de Juegos Populares